
Friday, June 3, 2016

April Progress Toward Goals

I'm a little behind here (on everything except baby boy related!) but that's ok.  My last 6 weeks have been filled with an insane amount of happiness and so much love I think my heart could bust at any moment.  We have been blessed with such a sweet, happy little baby.  All I seem to get done these days is staring at his beautiful little face and touching his soft skin.  Baby Boy takes after his mom in that he doesn't need much sleep, including naps so my days are spent walking the neighborhood, rocking and hanging out with him and that's just fine. 

I have so much content I want to get on the blog so I'm just going to try and get it up when I can!  I have so many organizing projects saved up on my phone from the big move.

But, until then...

1.  Used Up Products
 Somehow I didn't have any for April!  Not sure how that happened??

2.  Books and Magazines
Since I had the baby toward the end of the month, bubble baths were my nightly friend and gave me a chance to knock up some back log of magazines. I read and tossed 14 this month

3.  Blog Posts
1 for April

4.  Get More Exercise
Obviously things slowed way down on the exercise front in April too - I was so swollen and had such back pain I could barely make it around the house!
January = 47.10 miles which beats last January when I got 40.71 miles (yay, me!)
February = 43.18 miles which beats last February when I got 41.11 miles (baby steps!)
March = 79.40 miles - can we say moving is a very physical activity?!
April = 43.53 (didn't even wear fitbit from 4/21-4/24 since we were at the hospital)

5.  Scrapbook Pages
April was a slow month because I was trying to a)stay off my feet b) get the house more settled c) get ready for baby but I still did manage to complete 7 pages in Carter's pre-baby book (the 9 months leading up to his arrival)